

This gender pay gap shows the difference in earnings between all men and women in an organisation as at 5th April 2023.


We are required to report in six different ways: the mean (average) and median (middle point) gender pay gaps; the mean and median gender bonus gaps; the proportion of men and women who received bonuses; and the number of men and women in each quartile band.


The results for Fairhurst are as follows:

Gender Pay Gap17.3%20.0%
Bonus Pay Gap39.2%35.5%


Proportion of male employees receiving a bonus:             11.0%

Proportion of female employees receiving a bonus:          11.3%.


The proportions of males and females in each quartile band are as follows:

Band      Males    Females               Quartile

A             69.4%    30.6%                 Lower

B             67.0%    33.0%                  Lower-Middle

C             78.6%    21.4%                  Upper-Middle

D             89.2%    10.8%                  Upper


While Fairhurst operates in a historically male-dominated industry, we are confident that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across our firm.

Principles of non-discrimination are enshrined in Fairhurst’s recruitment and promotion procedures. All recruitment and promotion decisions are made on merit.

I confirm that data contained in this report is accurate.


Stephen Holmes

Senior Partner