Fairhurst was appointed to develop the detailed design of this significant watercourse restoration project over a 1 km length of heavily modified tributary of the Brox Burn in the River Almond catchment in West Lothian. The scheme was an opportunity to achieve environmental improvement, flood risk mitigation and deliver blue / green infrastructure within the major masterplan for re-development of the former Bangour Village Hospital site for residential use.
The project involved hydrological assessment of catchment flows, watercourse modelling and the detailed design of a stable and natural channel informed by a geomorphological assessment. There required to be close collaboration with architects, engineers and key stakeholders including the local authority, SEPA and the Forth District Salmon Fishery Board to account for all restrictions on the design. Fairhurst’s Water Services team also worked closely with landscape architects to facilitate appropriate amenity access and local planting to improve habitat potential.
The final design successfully met project aims of reinstating natural conditions, attenuating flood flows directed to sensitive receptors downstream and improving public access and active travel routes in line with the aims of the West Lothian Local Development Plan.