With their existing landfill cell nearing capacity, Fairhurst were commissioned to design and manage the construction of a new engineered municipal waste cell to serve the Islands of Islay and Jura.
Fairhurst coordinated all environmental and geotechnical design aspects for the cell construction including slope stability, hydrogeological, geotechnical and environmental modelling to design a cell meeting the requirements of the sites PPC Permit to gain SEPAs approval. The engineered cell included the use of a Site-won engineered geological barrier, Geosynthetic clay liners, HDPE, protector geotextiles and a leachate collection system.
Appointed as construction quality assurance engineers, Fairhurst ensured the successful delivery of construction contract in accordance with the CQA Plan which involved spending extended periods of time on the Isle of Islay, managing the challenges of remote island working to deliver a functional landfill cell to the client.
Following cell construction works, Fairhurst were also appointed as designers and quality assurance engineers for an area of capping and as designers and SER Certifiers for an onsite waste sorting shed.